Measuring your activities is a critical factor in reaching success. The same goes for your Facebook campaigns. In this guide, you’ll find the most important and most common metrics you should track your campaigns.
These metrics are available in Facebook’s Ads Manager with the exception of People Interested. They are also highlighted in every Adfenix Campaign Results Report which you can invite your sellers to view or print and use as a talking point in upcoming valuations or appraisals.
What it means: The number of times your ad gets clicked on.
Why measure it? Clicks measure customer engagement and the level of interest your ad sparks. This metric tells you how many times people came to your website thanks to your ad.
Click Frequency
What it means: Click Frequency or CTR means the number of times people clicked on a link in your ad, compared to how many times they saw it.
Why measure it? Click Frequency is one of the more important metrics to track. It lets you understand how ads drive traffic to websites or other destinations and serve as a measure of relevance and success for your ad. A low Click Frequency means people are seeing your ad, but not taking action. The higher Click Frequency, the more your audience find the ad relevant to them. Average Click Frequency for a Facebook ad is 1-2%. Average Click Frequency for an Adfenix Facebook ad is 10-12%.
Social Activity
What it means: It measures the number of times people have taken action on your post, concerning reactions, shares or comments.
Why measure it? First of all, engagement is a sign people like the content you’re sharing (or at least reacts to it). Second of all, the more engagement, the more prominent the audience. If someone comments on your ad, the organic spread will increase (also called social impressions), since it will be shown to the friends of the people who react to your campaign. This kind of reach can act as word-of-mouth for real estate agents.
People Reached
What it means: The number of unique people that have seen your ad.
Why measure it? Reach gives you a more accurate depiction of how big your audience is and will help you understand the potential impact of your campaign. Use reach alongside social activity numbers like comments, likes and shares to calculate an engagement percentage (i.e. how many people participated out of the possible audience of your campaign).
Times Displayed
What it means: The total number of time your ads are viewed on a screen. That includes the same user seeing the same post multiple times.
Why measure it? Impressions are especially important to measure when doing branding campaigns since it this gives you a good idea of how much brand exposure you got from the ad. With the number of ads, people are exposed to on social media every day, chances of making impact increase if people see your ad more than once.
What it means: The average number of times each person sees your ad. (Impressions divided by reach).
Why measure it? It’s important to monitor frequency to make sure the same people don't see your ads too often during a campaign. Brand exposure is good – and as mentioned before, it’s usually necessary for an ad to be shown more than once to make an impact. But, at the same time, there’s a fine line between making an impact and annoying your audience. The risk of having a high frequency is that your customers end up in the state called ad fatigue (meaning they get tired of seeing the ad over and over again and less receptive to the message). Here are a few tips on how to avoid ad fatigue. (Average Frequency is 1 to 2 per ad set, but it may be higher, depending on your budget, audience and schedule).
Age and Gender Distribution
What it means: These numbers profile the audience that are seeing and interacting with your ad based on their age and gender information provided to Facebook.
Why measure it? Understanding and building demographic insights into the people that are interested in the properties you are selling is incredibly useful. As the local property expert this information can also be used in conversations with sellers to help them understand who is looking to buy in the area.
People Interested
What it means: This number is also commonly known as Conversions and looks at actions people take when they visit the page. These are not a standard Facebook metric and have been set up for Adfenix customers.
Why measure it? Tracking these interactions is considered by agents to be one of the most valuable metrics as it they often result in contact data being left by interested buyers via a form submission.
Adfenix Results Reports – Bringing all the data together
Adfenix real-time Results Reports give you a great default touchpoint with your seller throughout a sales campaign. Clean and simple to understand our data shows that sellers love the report updates and check 2x a day – spending 4-5 minutes per visit. Reviewing ad results is a chance to keep a positive talktrack going with solid data that you can look at together with your seller. Throughout the campaign your sellers can see where the listing traffic is coming from (social media!) so appreciate the inclusion in their marketing campaign even more.
Sharing reports from campaigns for similar or nearby properties in your inventory during a listing appraisal/valuation is a trust multiplier with prospective sellers. Live and completed Results Reports can be shared with prospective sellers during a valuation presentation as a point of difference and trust multiplier. Our reports provide transparent data insights highlighting your successful marketing strategy.
You can find out more about using Facebook ads as part of your property marketing strategy here.
Note: This article was updated on 10 September 2020 to include extra metric measuring information.